Off-Season Rental Property Owners Beware

Sacrificing tenant checks to ensure continued income is not a good idea for off-season rentals. A Martha’s Vineyard landlord rented out her house for the winter (off season), and ended up with some bad tenants that destroyed her property and even stole her bike. The damage was so extensive that the security deposit didn’t come close to covering the costs. Off-season rentals can be a huge challenge and lures in a lot of bad tenants. The temptation to keep a property full sometimes leads to costly tenants and even expensive and time consuming evictions. If it is a must that a property be occupied year long then it is equally imperative that thorough and professional tenant checks are conducted prior to handing over the keys to your valuable property. Some landlord’s especially single unit owners sacrifice tenant checks in order to ensure continued income. As the Martha’s Vineyard woman found out, it is not worth skipping the tenant screening process to keep your rental property leased. In the end the cost of a professional tenant check is negligible compared to the cost of a bad tenant. To learn more about the challenges of off-seasonal rentals read recent press release: