Preventative Maintenance Prevents Bad Tenants

For landlords and property managers of single unit dwellings and single property owner’s one bad tenant can be disastrous. A small landlord in Golden Valley, Minnesota found out just how horrific a bad tenant can be. The MacDonald’s’ family rented to a tenant that destroyed their home and became verbally threatening. The situation became so hopeless that the MacDonald’s had to flee their home and move into a hotel at which time they offered the tenant money to leave in order to avoid the eviction process. Unfortunately in most cases the eviction process takes months to complete and can cost thousands in legal fees. One way to greatly reduce experiencing what a bad tenant can do is to use a third party tenant screening company to perform a through and secure tenant check on the applicant before turning over the keys. To learn more about preventative maintenance and how a small landlord can avoid bad tenants read recent press release: