With the amount of time it takes selecting potential job applicants, interviewing them and then finally hiring usurps a huge amount of time from human resource professionals. With this level of time investment, HR personnel do not want to go through this whole process without getting that job position filled.
It is essential to include a criminal background check in any pre-employment background screening, but there are a few more tools that can help ensure hiring someone that not only meets the job requirements, but also makes sure the job applicant has been truthful with the information they entered on their job application. These tools are a driving records check and professional verification. Depending on the duties of the job a driving record check may not be that important, but then again maybe it is. Driving records also known as MVR or DMV checks will tell you about accidents and driving related convictions, moving violations, actions against the driver such as suspensions, driving under the influence (DUI), hit and run and much more.
Employment verifications uncover the reality of past or current job information and help human resource professionals sort through accuracies regarding what the potential hire is telling them. For job functions that require a certain level of education or specific credentials license education verification is a must. For modern day HR managers the more tools in your tool box means better decisions and less time wasted on potential hires that can now be vetted quickly before hiring the wrong person.