Holiday Hiring is Here – Don’t Forget the Pre-Employment Screening

The Holidays are fast approaching and companies are already starting to recruit extra help to deal with the huge increase in business. However, even though these new hires will only be temporary they still need to do due diligence and vet these new hires in the same way they would a full-time employee. Pre-employment background screening should apply the same way to seasonal hires as with full-time employees.

Even though part time help may be temporary they will still be representing the company they work for the same way as the full-time employees. Enacting consistent employment screening policies across all hires both temporary and full-time goes along way at mitigating risk and staying compliant with hiring laws.

Already holiday hiring is in full affect as the season of giving fast approaches. Retailers across the country are poised to hire hundreds of thousands of temporary workers. And it is a daunting task, but companies hiring seasonal help should maintain pre-employment screening policies and continue the same vigorous vetting process one might conduct on a long-term or permanent employee.

With the push for quick hiring on employers shoulders they are starting to have job fairs and hiring events at their stores. And 2019 promises to be a big year for seasonal help.

From (Oct 9, 19):

The seasonal hiring push is on. Retailers, in particular, are competing for talent in customer service, warehouse roles, distribution and delivery — and in heightened numbers even from the year before.

And the momentum is increasing.

Recently, a USA Today article highlighted the manic requirement for temporary seasonal help.

From (Sep 10, 19):

On Tuesday, Target announced it would be hiring more than 130,000 seasonal workers and will host hiring events at every store. The events are Oct. 11-13 and Nov. 2-3 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. local time. There also are openings at distribution centers.

Companies should be encouraged to continue with their vigorous pre-employment background screening practices, with temporary and/or seasonal hires, as a best practice. Risk mitigation remains a priority within hiring and the responsibility does not lessen with seasonal employees.

From (No Date Provided):

Yes, there’s a lot do when hiring seasonally, and you may need to fill vacancies quickly, but you still need to do basic things like conducting criminal background checks. Hiring the wrong candidate can hurt your business and force you to restart the entire cycle. The hiring process for seasonal employees should not deviate from the process you undergo for regular long-term employees. Even though you may be hiring at a higher volume for a seasonal push, you need to maintain your hiring standards and consider short-term workers as integral members of your organization. The short-term worker will be representing your business like any other member.

Employees remain the face of a company and regardless the position are a critical part of a successful business. As the holiday’s fast approach and the need for help increases, hiring managers must maintain the integrity of the hiring process by conducting the same and equal background screening process regardless the term of employment.

Thorough vetting is critical for all new hires, permanent and seasonal, and working with a well-qualified third-party pre-employment background screening agency remains a best practice.

A thorough background screening should include a criminal background check (that includes a 50-State sex offender registry check), a social security number validation with address history trace and the necessary verifications such as previous employment and education background. Again, the key to compliance is consistency and that is why all new hires either seasonal or full-time should be vetted the same way.

To read more about why businesses and organizations should perform consistent pre-employment screening practices on both seasonal and full-time employees and why staying compliant with background screening policies is so important read recent press release: Holiday Hiring is in Full Effect; Maintain Pre-Employment Screening Policies